有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!欢迎山东大学第二附属中学的同学!A very warm welcome to our visitors from Shandong, China
实勤中学热烈欢迎从中国远道而来的朋友!( 7月18日--7月19日)
我们非常荣幸能够接待这12位来自山东大学第二附属中学的同学。 他们除了在学校体验新加坡的“学校生涯”, 还被“配对”,与本校的学生“共结良缘” *hahaha*……在他们家中呆了一个晚上…… 不知道同学们可否睡得着、睡得香?
We are very pleased to have all of you here for these two days. The Racial Harmony Day Celebrations are brought forward so that we can all celebrate together! Singapore is a multi-racial country, let us bring more beauty to it with our "inter-national friendship"!
实勤中学热烈欢迎从中国远道而来的朋友!( 7月18日--7月19日)
我们非常荣幸能够接待这12位来自山东大学第二附属中学的同学。 他们除了在学校体验新加坡的“学校生涯”, 还被“配对”,与本校的学生“共结良缘” *hahaha*……在他们家中呆了一个晚上…… 不知道同学们可否睡得着、睡得香?
We are very pleased to have all of you here for these two days. The Racial Harmony Day Celebrations are brought forward so that we can all celebrate together! Singapore is a multi-racial country, let us bring more beauty to it with our "inter-national friendship"!